Saturday, October 28, 2006

A meaning of a day

have you ever stopped on the word, a business day, while reading an invoice or something alike, why did they call it a business day, and not just a day.

well recently i came up with a conclusion!, from the business owner point of view it is only an 8 hour of work, minus week ends, minus holidays, minus any day that is not counted.

but i still can remember how adults used to describe a day for us, so when they said it is after a day then it means sleep then wakeup, and when it is two days after, then it is sleep and wake up then sleep over and wake up, and same goes for N day(s) == N *( sleep and then wake up).

but now things have changed and here is an example:
* Day: means 24 hour which is also 1440 minute. -- when somebody asks you can you please give us a minute then he means 1/1440 of your day --
day start is 23:00 we started working on some operational issue, which lasted for 6 hours.
and after that at 07:15 went home to have some snack and sleep.
15:45 woke up and found out that i missed the whole daylight, had launch and chatted with parents waited some guests and said hi and goodbye, went to Irbid which is about 87 kilometer far.
reached there at 17:30 after 80 minutes of driving. had to come there to see some old pals of mine since they where about to leave country, interrupted by a business call, No way to go back to Amman now(), had to work from an internet cafe, problem solved every body is happy now(), back to pals.
clock ticks and school friends call " where are you man?" i am far away, we have plans for today.
kisses pals goodbye, need anything 3la rasi pal.
-- engine starts Time is now(); 20:00 --
drove back to Amman, had to do this thing i really do, guys are calling, and battery is low, and engine is slow, Oh watch out the gas tank, had to refill, watch out that car and is this the right way, had to make a lie or else I'll die so that gives me much time.
oh what a rainy day, loads of water large drops too !.
here at last No No not home -- at work of course -- "change the tapes" and literally do. took me 10 minutes then drove back home,
21:00 and i am in my way back, finally there home sweet home, still got 2.5 hours,
Tan Ton, door bell rings, who is it, oh yeah , how are you ? fine thank you. come in where is the rest of the guys, waiting outside with a big surprise.
21:15 Hello Guys what is this i know it is my birthday, thank you very much, laughed and had so much fun, all the guys are there except for those who missed their bus and the selfish ones, feeling sick this is the spark to make an excuse to say goodbye, so this farewell my friends.
22:30 drive them by and say goodbye.
23:00 home sweet home and end of a the day.

Q:which of the items in this figure, do you think is my present at my 24th birthday?.
to the guys, "Thank You", and i really mean it, the gift was great for what it meant.

this is what we pay for being in the computer business.
have a nice 24 hour.


Anonymous said...

Great essay man.
Dont let them forget to pay you.
Take care!!.

Unknown said...

heheh even it's too late to comment but ya alaa thats the life, and it was a cool party heheh :P